Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Building The Resiliency To Win In Every Area of Your Life!

    • Welcome Video From Dr. Joshua Fredenburg

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    Module #1 - Unlocking The Resiliency Power That Is Within!

    • Module #1 - Welcome Video from Dr. Joshua Fredenburg

    • Resiliency Tip #1 - Activating The Seeds of Greatness From Within!

    • Resiliency Tip #2 - Developing A Vision That Is Grounded In Purpose!

    • Resiliency Tip #3 - The Power of Being A Forward Thinker!

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    Module #2 - Developing The Habits Of Resiliency!

    • Module #2 - Welcome Video From Dr. Joshua Fredenburg

    • Resiliency Tip #4 - The Power of Implementing A Daily Motivational Routine!

    • Resiliency Tip #5 - The Power of Developing A Daily Spiritual Routine!

    • Resiliency Tip #6 - The Power of Creating The Right Working & Living Environment!

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    Module #3 - Creating The Right Attitude and Perspective Of Resilience!

    • Module #3 - Welcome Video From Dr. Joshua Fredenburg

    • Resiliency Tip #7 - The Power of Possessing The Right Perspective!

    • Resiliency Tip #8 - The Power of A Growth Mindset!

    • Resiliency Tip #9 - The Power of A Grateful Attitude!

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    Module #4 - Activating The Fundamentals of Resiliency!

    • Module #4 - Welcome Video From Dr. Joshua Fredenburg

    • Resiliency Tip #10 - The Power of A Dream Team!

    • Resiliency Tip #11 - Activating Your Courageous Faith!

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    Module #5 - Resiliency E-Course Celebration

    • Final Message From Dr. Joshua Fredenburg